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VitePress 安装与配置

1 安装及配置

1.1 安装

  1. 创建并进入一个目录
mkdir brandonvitepress && cd brandonvitepress
  1. 初始化
yarn init
  1. 本地安装 VitePress
yarn add --dev vitepress
  1. 创建第一篇文档
mkdir docs && echo '# Hello VitePress' > docs/
  1. 在 package.json.添加一些script
  "scripts": {
    "docs:dev": "vitepress dev docs",
    "docs:build": "vitepress build docs",
    "docs:serve": "vitepress serve docs"
  1. 在本地服务器上启动文档站点
cd Project/brandonvitepress
yarn docs:dev
yarn docs:dev

1.2 /.vitepress/config.js 配置

import mathjax3 from 'markdown-it-mathjax3';

const customElements = [
	'math', 'maction', 'maligngroup', 'malignmark', 'menclose', 'merror', 'mfenced', 'mfrac','mi','mlongdiv','mmultiscripts','mn','mo','mover',

const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");

const docsPath = path.dirname(__dirname); // docs 目录路径
const sidebarConfig = generateSidebarConfig(docsPath);

function generateSidebarConfig(docsPath, link = '', index = 0) {

	const sidebarConfig = {};
	const files = fs.readdirSync(docsPath);

	files.forEach((filename) => {
		if (filename.startsWith(".")) return;
		const filepath = path.join(docsPath, filename);
		const stat = fs.statSync(filepath);
		// 如果是文件夹,则递归生成子级 sidebar 配置
		if (stat.isDirectory()) {
			if (index === 0) {
				const config = generateSidebarConfig(filepath, `/${filename}/`, index + 1);
				if (!sidebarConfig[`/${filename}/`]) {
					sidebarConfig[`/${filename}/`] = [config];
			} else {
				if (!sidebarConfig.items) {
					sidebarConfig.items = [];
				sidebarConfig.items.push(generateSidebarConfig(filepath, `${link}${filename}/`, index + 1))
		} else {
			const extname = path.extname(filepath);
			const basename = path.basename(filepath, extname);
			if (filename === '' && index > 0) {
				const menuPath = path.dirname(filepath);
				const menuName = path.basename(menuPath)
				sidebarConfig.text = menuName;
				sidebarConfig.collapsed = true; = link;
			if (extname === ".md" && filename !== "") {
				if (!sidebarConfig.items) {
					sidebarConfig.items = [];
					text: basename,
					link: `${link}${basename}`,

	return sidebarConfig;


export default {
	base: "/",
	title: 'Brandon',
	ignoreDeadLinks: true,
	markdown: {
		lineNumbers: true,
		config: (md) => {
	vue: {
		template: {
			compilerOptions: {
				isCustomElement: (tag) => customElements.includes(tag),
	lastUpdated: true,
	appearence: true,
	themeConfig: {
		siteTitle: "Brandon",
		logo: "/brandon.png",
		lastUpdated: "最近更新",
		sidebar: sidebarConfig,
		outlineTitle: '目录',
		nav: [{
				text: "Install",
				link: "/install/"
				text: "Daily",
				items: [{
						items: [{
								text: "202306",
								link: "/daily/202306/"
								text: "202307",
								link: "/daily/202307/"
								text: "202308",
								link: "/daily/202308/"
								text: "202309",
								link: "/daily/202309/"
								text: "202310",
								link: "/daily/202310/"
								text: "202311",
								link: "/daily/202311/"
								text: "202312",
								link: "/daily/202312/"
						items: [{
							text: "202401",
							link: "/daily/202401/"
						}, ],
				text: "Graduate",
				items: [{
						items: [{
								text: "English",
								link: "/graduate/english/"
								text: "En-Examination",
								link: "/graduate/english/examination/"
						items: [{
							text: "Mathematics",
							link: "/graduate/mathematics/"
						}, {
							text: "Ma-Examination",
							link: "/graduate/mathematics/examination/"
						}, ],
		socialLinks: [
			// Github
				icon: "github",
				link: ""
			// Gitee
				icon: {
					svg: '<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns=""><title>Gitee</title><path d="M512 1024C229.222 1024 0 794.778 0 512S229.222 0 512 0s512 229.222 512 512-229.222 512-512 512z m259.149-568.883h-290.74a25.293 25.293 0 0 0-25.292 25.293l-0.026 63.206c0 13.952 11.315 25.293 25.267 25.293h177.024c13.978 0 25.293 11.315 25.293 25.267v12.646a75.853 75.853 0 0 1-75.853 75.853h-240.23a25.293 25.293 0 0 1-25.267-25.293V417.203a75.853 75.853 0 0 1 75.827-75.853h353.946a25.293 25.293 0 0 0 25.267-25.292l0.077-63.207a25.293 25.293 0 0 0-25.268-25.293H417.152a189.62 189.62 0 0 0-189.62 189.645V771.15c0 13.977 11.316 25.293 25.294 25.293h372.94a170.65 170.65 0 0 0 170.65-170.65V480.384a25.293 25.293 0 0 0-25.293-25.267z"/></svg>',
				link: "",
			// CSDN
				icon: {
					svg: '<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns=""><title>CSDN</title><path d="M512 0c282.784 0 512 229.216 512 512s-229.216 512-512 512S0 794.784 0 512 229.216 0 512 0z m189.952 752l11.2-108.224c-31.904 9.536-100.928 16.128-147.712 16.128-134.464 0-205.728-47.296-195.328-146.304 11.584-110.688 113.152-145.696 232.64-145.696 54.784 0 122.432 8.8 151.296 18.336L768 272.704C724.544 262.24 678.272 256 599.584 256c-203.2 0-388.704 94.88-406.4 263.488C178.336 660.96 303.584 768 535.616 768c80.672 0 138.464-6.432 166.336-16z"/></svg>',
				link: "",

1.3 运行及部署 Vitepress

  1. 运行
yarn docs:dev
  1. 部署
git init
git branch -m master main
git remote add brandonvitepress
git remote -v
git add -A
git commit -m "first commit"
git pull brandonvitepress main
git pull brandonvitepress main --allow-unrelated-histories
git push -u brandonvitepress main
git push brandonvitepress main

2 markdown-it-mathjax3

一个从 markdown-it-katex 改造而来、额外增加了 MathJax v3 和 SVG 渲染支持的插件

2.1 安装 LaTeX 库

npm install markdown-it-mathjax3 -D

2.2 配置 LaTeX 插件

修改.vitepress/config.js配置文件 markdown-it-mathjax3的配置与markdown-it-katex基本相同,但由于markdown-it-mathjax3使用svg渲染,增加了一些自定义标签,配置时同样需要将这些标签标记为自定义标签,防止编译出错

import mathjax3 from 'markdown-it-mathjax3';

const customElements = [
	'math', 'maction', 'maligngroup', 'malignmark', 'menclose', 'merror', 'mfenced', 'mfrac','mi','mlongdiv','mmultiscripts','mn','mo','mover',

export default {
  markdown: {
    config: (md) => {
  vue: {
    template: {
      compilerOptions: {
        isCustomElement: (tag) => customElements.includes(tag),


3 前端导航页

4 Visitor Badge

Released under the MIT License.